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Welcome to Byrite Electricals


Best Place For Your Electrical Purchases in Leicester,Leicestershire!

We supply a large range of electrical products and LED GU10 And Candles lamps and lighting. Our vast stock includes; audio video leads, batteries, cables, computer accessories, domestic appliances, fuses, house rewiring materials, lighting, phone accessories, power adapters and much more.We provide excellent advice and personal help to our customers on all our products and applications. We try to provide all product related information and knowledge on all goods we sell.We would like to thank for the on-going support provided by the people and local business of Syston for past 24 years.

 Contact us on  0116 2602299/ 0116 2694843  or  Email us on: 

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10w GLS LED LAMPS 3 for £10.00 LED Panel 1200 x 600 £65.99 Special offer LED Panel 600 x 600 £24.99 LED SENSOR LAMP BC/ES

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